Do you Suspect your Horse’s Jaw Joint (TMJ) is Uncomfortable?

Do you Suspect your Horse’s Jaw Joint (TMJ) is Uncomfortable?

If you suspect your horse’s jaw joint is uncomfortable, THIS is the course for you!

Unlock Your Horse’s Jaw: the TMJ Masterclass  is the newest online course from Freely Forward Bodywork. Like our signature course Equine Massage 101, the TMJ masterclass gives you all the tools you need to alleviate your horse’s pain, but unlike Equine Massage 101, this course focuses solely on the TMJ.

The temporomandibular joint, better known as the TMJ or the jaw joint, affects nearly everything your horse does, from eating and chewing to riding. It’s so important to be  able to identify signs and symptoms of pain in the TMJ– just as important as it is to be able to alleviate the pain.

Unlock Your Horse’s Jaw is your one-stop shop to identify TMJ pain, improve its condition, and prevent future discomfort. You’ll learn six targeted techniques to alleviate TMJ pain with the same clarity and easy to understand methods as our popular course Equine Massage 101.

It is the perfect online course for anyone who suspects their horse may have TMJ pain, but it’s also an excellent option for someone interested in beginning to learn to massage their horse but unsure if the full Equine Massage 101 course is for them. It’s also a great choice for established equine massage therapists who want to take a deeper dive and expand their knowledge of TMJ massage techniques. 

Even if you’ve already enrolled in Equine Massage 101, this masterclass will provide new techniques you’ve not yet learned! This new course is a great way to expand the toolkit you established during Equine Massage 101.

Ready to get started? Sign up for Unlock Your Horse’s Jaw: The TMJ Masterclass and get started right now!

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to Maija directly to discuss!


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